
28 MB supporters referred to trial over sabotage in Minya

On Tuesday, North Minya public prosecutor Rahim Abdel Malek referred 28 members of the Muslim Brotherhood to criminal court, over charges of storming the Civil Protection Agency, the veterinary medicine and Agricultural Management buildings in al-Adwa City during riots after the dispersal of Rabaa al-Adaweya and al-Nahda sit-ins in August 2013.

Malek said in a press statement that the defendants include one who was already detained pending investigation, five who were released and 22 others who are fugitives.

Authorities have referred 48 new defendants to trial over storming al-Adwa Police Station.

A Minya court had sentenced 683 Brotherhood supporters to death, including MB Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie over storming Adwa Police Station, sabotage and killing a policeman.

Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm

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