Tareq Al-Nabarawy, head of Engineers Syndicate, said that Saqqara pyramid requires non-stop restoration to be carried out and called for ratifying financial allocations for the restoration process without delay to protect the pyramid against destruction.
A committee formed from the syndicate and other governmental authorities visited on Wednesday the pyramid to inspect the destroyed parts.
Nabarawy told Al-Masry Al-Youm that the committee went 40 meters under ground across all the passages. He stressed that the pyramid requires swift measures to complete the restoration. The committee will draft its technical report and have it reviewed by the public in a week or two, he added. A copy of the report will also be sent to authorities in question.
The committee’s visit to the pyramid targets ending the controversy over the historic item, Nabarawy said, adding that the restoration requires a national will to preserve the historic value of the pyramid.
“The Engineers Syndicate committee did not only depend on the visit. Members of the committee earlier held meetings with the consultant in charge of the restoration and officials from the Monuments Ministry to tackle the current situation of the pyramid,” he added.
The committee members also agreed that every member shall draft a separate report, then recommendations would be submitted to all authorities in question within the coming week, Nabarawy said.
Edited translation from Al-Masry Al-Youm